Friday, April 18, 2008

The Bright Side Of Life

To my dear class 08A03,

As a class, this week is arguably one of the tougher weeks we've spent far. Many of us, are starting to feeling the pressure and the pinch of life. Its been tough on some, tougher on others. Homeworks are piling, teachers are beginning to speed up in their teaching and tests are an all-too-common affair.

We all make mistakes.It may be due to our own blunder or sometimes life is simply unfair. Nevertheless, our time as Pioneers is very short - in the blink of an eye, this journey would be over. In this very short period of time, let us all make the best of it; make it memorable, make it fun, make it nice. We all have to stick together as one class united moving on together.

Of course, there are the moments like now for example when everything seem to be against us. Despite all the recent unfavorable events, I urge all to be positive, to look on the bright side. Behind every setback there are indeed learning points, and with every learning points are the methods we can improve ourselves.

Thomas Carlyle once said, "The block of granite, which is an obstacle in the pathway of the weak, becomes a stepping stone in the pathway of the strong" Mr Carlyle was a essayist and satirist.

This video is an all time classic we remember from our secondary school days should serve to remind us of what is the brighter side.

As Eleanor Roosevelt, our dear US wartime president's wife once said, "No One Can Make You Feel Inferior Without Your Consent"

PS. I may not be welfare, but i would love to see everyone as cheerful as they were a few weeks back :) -mhs-

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