Monday, March 31, 2008


Heyloo A03! =)

Im gonna be campaigning in a few days and what will follow is voting and then results blah blah.
Honestly, thinking about the council drives me nuts and i dont know if my guts will abandon me on thursday- which is when i will be standing on some platform in the canteen selling myself for votes while wearing a "gorgeous" red sash!

Before that day comes and i lose all authority to abuse my "successful applicant of council" power...

I ORDER YOU.. heh heh..

I mean PLEASSSEE... Can we make the class just a bit more united? =)

I really want these 2 years to be great. I want us to have lots of fun together and make all decisions together and go out lots and stuff.

Okay i sound silly.

Anyway can we just start by sitting together during breaks?
I of course will do my part and annoy you all tomorrow =)
I just hope i wont piss you off and get snubbed haha!

PS- When you read this, you will have to vote for me HAHA!

Suanne =D

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