Monday, March 31, 2008


Heyloo A03! =)

Im gonna be campaigning in a few days and what will follow is voting and then results blah blah.
Honestly, thinking about the council drives me nuts and i dont know if my guts will abandon me on thursday- which is when i will be standing on some platform in the canteen selling myself for votes while wearing a "gorgeous" red sash!

Before that day comes and i lose all authority to abuse my "successful applicant of council" power...

I ORDER YOU.. heh heh..

I mean PLEASSSEE... Can we make the class just a bit more united? =)

I really want these 2 years to be great. I want us to have lots of fun together and make all decisions together and go out lots and stuff.

Okay i sound silly.

Anyway can we just start by sitting together during breaks?
I of course will do my part and annoy you all tomorrow =)
I just hope i wont piss you off and get snubbed haha!

PS- When you read this, you will have to vote for me HAHA!

Suanne =D

Friday, March 28, 2008


Hey 08A03!

Call me lame for posting on the forum, but I have started a thread there! haha...

It's a proposal to the school that it considers starting a shuttle service form CCK MRT to PJC. The simple reason is that our college has very limited accessibility. I see a lot of people who live far and have to waste time travelling the final stretch from CCK MRT station to PJC. This would help all of us a lot.

I hope u guys are able to read, give comments and back me up for this!


Tuesday, March 25, 2008


I was surfing the net and i saw this criminal.He's too hot to handle yo.


= not worth any.:):):):):)

Monday, March 24, 2008

Headstart programme and NO VULGARITY WEEK

hey peeps.
This people please pay me $20 cause you havent pay or your edusave not enough money for the headstart programme.

Ber Han

Please PAY ME BY THURSDAY.I need to pay by Friday.Don't pangseh ar?

Okay.In light of our crazy speed of scolding vulgarities,:) we shall have a NO-VULGARITY WEEK.For this week all of us WILL not say anything offensive.
The person who shoots out the most vulgarity will have to treat the class each a drink.HaHA.
So spencer and myself have to shut up mouth.Hahaha!

Take care people!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

1st unofficial outing


our 1st unofficial outing.

Joash,Ber han,me,Asyraft,Spencer,Ulysses,grace,Eunice,Farah,A'thiyah,Steven and yiming ate at Sinaran at tech whye.

It was only a short distance and bimbos and himbos were already complaining and whining that its like damn far.Hahahaha!Just for the record it was just like 500meters.A smart ass(should be me ar) brought them through the long way.Haha!

The food there were suprisingly not nice.hahaha.Here are some pics that shook the world.:0
Table 1.

The Scandal.:)
Hhahahahhaha.Yup.We shall have more outings in the future ya?
Oh mrs fadzleen is cool.
rogol power!!


hey people!

this is the class manager posting.Hehe.We will have a hell of a two years yea!:):)

Few future projects this year(still in the pipeline):

Class t-shirt/jersey (So can replace our damn "nice" pe t-shirts. :) )

Class Chalet

Class outing

Class birthday celebrations( We will celebrate each and single each one of classmates birthday.Those people whose birthday is over,sorry ya?Next year k?Haha.)

Ok there will be a movie outing this thursday 27/3 after school.(School ends at 4pm on thursday).We will head to either town or jurong point.The movie is vantage point.Haha.We will have dinner than after that crash back home yea? :)

The class buddy system will be posted here soon!

Cheerios people!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

hey guys (:
this is our official blog for A03, class of 2008!

for the password and email,
ask shazwan, eunice or myself!

much love!
grace (: